I recently was asked by a Mom who has a daughter with dietary restrictions something new in the form of a dipping sauce.
This dip I make all the time and it’s a big hit in my house – and could be for your picky eater too!
Apricot Dipping Sauce: REALLY easy:
Apricot Dipping Sauce Ingredients
1 jar apricot or peach jam (fruit juice sweetened)
1 tablespoon lemon or lime juice
1 teaspoon horseradish
Mix all ingredients together and serve. Good with chicken fingers. Although good with many things. The little bit of horseradish cuts the sweetness and makes it quite good and NOT spicy.
Other things for dipping: Hummus, any homemade salad dressing and you can change flavors with various herbs and spices or guacamole.
What is your favorite kind of gluten free (or even dairy free too) dip?
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