Welcome to Special Eats. I’m Sueson Vess and healthy gluten free/allergen-free living is my passion. Being diagnosed with celiac disease, multiple foods intolerances and even ovarian cancer changed my life for the better. As chef and lifelong foodie, I love great tasting food; as the mother of 4 boys I spent a lot of time cooking meals my family would enjoy. But was the food healthy? I was unaware of beneficial and harmful foods – how to pack the most nutrition into every bite of food and still have it taste good.
In 2001 everything changed. Saying good-bye to gluten, dairy and sugar was a challenge however the renewed energy and restored health motivated me to learn more and help others on a similar journey.
“Foods with Benefits” Everything we eat has the power to build-up or tear-down our health. Join me in the kitchen as I guide you to better health by eating foods with benefits, staying away from empty calories learn how to cook with LOVE and PASSION.
I use my skills and experiences to write delicious, healthy recipes free of allergens including gluten, dairy, soy and more. Look for my articles in “Living Without” and “The Autism File” magazines and my cookbook, “Special Eats: Simple Delicious Solutions for Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Cooking”.
Dear Sueson,
I met you during a Women’s Resource Fair in Lake Geneva, WI. You were at the “Pathways” booth, now called Elemental Living. I have been working at my chiropractor’s office and he is really helping me to eat better as I have always struggled with gluten. I am currently trying to eliminate gluten AND sugar from my diet. I do not want to use artificial anything either. I would love to get your cookbook in our office to show our patients that eating healthy isn’t boring! Thanks Sueson!
Hi Sueson,
I very much enjoyed the cooking demonstrations at Duke Cancer Center. I have already made my way to Bed Bath and Beyond to purchase my very first Spiralizer! I recreated the zucchini dish with kale pesto and, of course, a pinch of love. Many thanks to you, Sueson.